Photography, Sculptures and things in between...

I work in the media of photography and sculptures, but I don't call myself exclusively a photographer or sculptor. By fusing those two expressions directly or indirectly I make art that exists in between them. You will see samples of my work below, and I will keep updating this blog whenever I have a chance, uploading images of my work as well as of others I find interesting.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Peepshow #8

Here is a quick snapshot of my new piece Peepshow #8. It is the smallest box I have ever designed: 17"x 14"x14". I also made it as light as possible by using thinner wood panels and adding extra support mterials around the corners. As far as the mechanism goes, this is probably the most well-designed of all the Peepshow pieces. It uses 4 gears and 1 cam to produce 2 movements generated by 1 electric motor.
I haven't documented the interior view of this piece yet. I will upload it when I have a chance.